
Best 15 Ways To Move to Canada in 2024/25

Canada is one of the most visited countries in the world because of its world class economy status. Canada has been able to develop beyond a mile, competing with other highly rank countries in terms of economy, technology, tourism and agriculture. It’s a place of wealth making for a lot of people either they get to work there or establish their business enterprise in a flourishing economy like Canada.


Canada is still hosting a lot of people around the world and you can be one of them through some of the programs listed below:

1. Temporary Residence:

Canada provides a temporary stay for people who are not Canada citizens or permanent residents in the country. You can apply for the temporary residence visa as a student, worker or visitor. As a student, you will get to enjoy the international standard of education in a serene and enabling environment like Canada. After studying in Canada, you can apply for a work permit and settle in Canada. This will also allow you as a graduate to work and have more experience in your field which may be an important criteria in applying for a permanent residence. Canada’s Labour market is always open for people outside the country and intending to work fervently in the country.  Temporary residence visa is also available for visitors who wish to visit for tourism purpose, vacations, business seminars, holidays, etc.

What are the requirements you must meet for a Temporary Residence Visa?


To qualify for this type of visa program, you must show the Canada immigration that you meet their requirements and other things involved are:

  • Language Proficiency either in English or French.
  • Providing all necessary documents like passport, education certificates, etc.
  • Certifying to be law abiding with a police clearance certificate showing zero criminal records.
  • Showing to be in good health by provision of a medical result certificate.
  • Proving to abide not to work or study unless you are authorized to.

2. Family Sponsorship Programs:

This program is held highly important in Canada as it involves bringing family members together. This program requires the sponsor to be a permanent resident or a Canada citizen and the beneficiary must be a family member of the sponsor or related to him or her. The context of Family members include a spouse (or common law partner), grandparents, dependent children and close family members. A common law partner refer to someone you have been in an affair with outside Canada, he or she may visit you via this program. A spouse is someone you have been married to legally and the marriage is recognized in the country and also in Canada. Dependent Children are your children under the age of 22 years old according to the lock-in date (the date application was received by Canada Immigration), they must not have a spouse or a common law partner and depend on their parents for financial support.

Eligibility criteria for this program are mainly based on family ties between the sponsor and the sponsored person. The sponsors must be a Canada citizen and also able to demonstrate their financial ability to cater for the needs of the family.

3. Agri-food Pilot and Agri-worker Program:

The program offers to experienced, non-seasonal farm workers in this sector opportunity to apply for a permanent residence even though you must have at least one year of experience working in Canada in the agricultural sector and a full time job at present. Agricultural industries including animal production, neat production manufacturing and not in farming, cattle ranching and others are the favorable industry. You may have to apply via the temporary foreign workers if you live outside the country through the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP).

4. Provincial Nomination Programs (PNPs)

These provincial programs are connected to express entry i.e. applicants who made it through a provincial route can enter into the federation selection system. The programs come with a lot of opportunity from each province, as a particular provincial need is selected according to its economic needs. Economic needs of a province may be targeted at business people, skilled workers, semi-skilled workers or labour workers and students.

Migrating to Canada from the UAE: A Complete Guide

5. Express Entry Programs

The express entry program is the most popular program in Canada for permanent residence application and available for temporary workers or skilled workers who wish to settle in Canada. Applicants are selected based on education level, experience, age, language proficiency and others. The express entry program has been expanded to reach other skilled workers like truck drivers, farm workers, nurses, etc.

6. Atlantic Permanent Residence Immigration Program

This program is aimed to increase rate of employment in the Atlantic region and developing a strong workforce in the region. This program is another opportunity for applicants to pursue a permanent residence program in Canada. Skilled foreign workers working in Canada are able to apply stating their level of experience in the country and graduates from Canada institution can also apply. They will become a permanent residence in the country who can work in the four Atlantic Provinces like New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Labrador and Newfoundland.

7. Start-Up Visa

This program is designated for entrepreneurs who are interested in establishing their enterprise and possess the financial ability to create more opportunities for Canada citizen. It is an open opportunity for individual around the world who possess business ideas to strive efficiently in the country economy. The applicants must meet the requirement for settlement funds, language proficiency and the support of business incubator or venture capital fund.

8. Provincial Business Programs

This program is slated for entrepreneurs who wish to settle down in Canada and begin their business adventure in the country. These programs allow each province to select the entrepreneurs who suite their economic needs and trending industry.

9. Quebec Immigration

Quebec is a city in Canada that manages its immigration program by itself. Quebec seems to hold a great value for their culture and economic growth and in preserving their culture apart from other basic requirements; Quebec holds a big mark for language proficiency in French. This is aimed at preserving their culture and developments of economy growth and technology.

10. The Rural and Northern Immigration Program (RNIP)

The RNIP is only for the selected eleven communities in various parts of Canada. Eligible applicants are for foreign citizen who are willing to reside in the community and apply for permanent residence in the area. Other requirements are getting a recommendation from the community, a job offer, etc. You can visit here.

11. Talent Stream

This program aimed at getting highly skilled foreigners who can do better in the positions they are to occupy. The employers who have successfully been approved by Canada Government to use the stream to get the best of the best targeted skilled worker. Workers with these skills are always being targeted like: Web design developer, software engineers and designers, information system designers, digital media designers, etc. Visit here for more information

12. The Global Skills Strategy Programs

This program is collaboration with ESDC in Canada and Higher Institutions like universities, colleges which allow them to hire education professionals from other countries in the world as a temporary worker in Canada. The applicants are usually students who have Ph.D. certificate and willing to pursue their post-doctoral studies in Canada. These programs allow the applicants to apply for permanent residence after a year working in Canada.

13. Federal Start-up Program

This enables you to migrate to Canada with the aim of establishing a business enterprise thereby creating work for the citizens of the country. Entrepreneurs who have potentials and innovative ideas capable of competing not only in the Canada economy but also in the world at large. And this program enables the entrepreneurs to relocate to Canada and can also apply for permanent residence.

14. Strategic International Recruitment by Provinces

Two categories in this division are Engineering Occupations category and compulsory and optional trades. Canada establishes this international recruitment programs to search for incredible talents around the world. Most of these strategic recruitments programs occur in countries like Europe, USA, UK, ASIA, etc. You can find more of the recruitment programs in these websites: New Brunswick International, Quebec International Recruitment etc.

15. Caregivers Programs:

People living outside Canada and willing to work in Canada as a Caregiver can apply for pilot programs mainly for caregivers. These programs allows for permanent and temporary residence application.

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