
Migrating to Canada from the UAE: A Complete Guide

Did you live in UAE and also wish to migrate to Canada? Then this is your best chance to achieve that dream. United Arab Emirates popularly known as UAE has one of largest economy in the Middle East with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of US$415 billion (AED – 1.83 trillion) in 2021 to 2023.


Moving to Canada from UAE offers a lot of chances for the residents of United Arab Emirates because of the numerous opportunities especially in the economic sector and Canada also offer stability, a working economy, an international education system and a modern healthcare system. The following are the step-by-step guides, proven and tested to migrate from UAE to Canada with the best plan.

Why did you have to migrate to Canada?

The only one reason is best known to you but it’s not enough to consider the move because of just a reason. Canada offers more than just an opportunity to make that big move. Canada is a place of destiny for the residents of UAE; reasons ranging from the economic opportunities it provides in different sectors to an international education system plus the issue of permanent residence given to you as a resident of UAE.

UAE is one of the top five countries for Express Entry immigrants to Canada. You can migrate to Canada as skilled workers in the economy category, as entrepreneurs or business owners (Self Employed, Start-Up or Immigrant Investor). Canada increases the immigration level every year i.e. the number of UAE residents migrating to Canada is expected to increase year by year. This has been proven in the express entry ITAs by Country of Residence in 2023.

 Programmes available for migrating to Canada as a UAE Residents

Different programmes are available for you if you are moving to Canada from the United Arab Emirates. They are categorized into the following:

1. Family Class Sponsorship: This is available to you if you have family members who are already permanent residents or Citizens. They can sponsor your immigration by applying through the family class sponsorship immigration. Members of your family who can sponsor you include: spouse, dependent children, parents, Grandparents, brothers or sisters, etc.

A sponsor must be able to meet the following the requirements;

  • He/She must be 18 years of age or above.
  • He and the sponsored relative must sign a sponsorship agreement to be responsible for the shelter and provisions of the sponsored one.
  • He/She must provide financial support for the sponsored one for three years after signing the sponsorship agreement. If the child is a dependent child i.e less than 18 years, the year of provision will be 10 years or until the child turns 25.

2. Federal Economic Class: This category receives the largest number of immigrants annually. The largest group within the economic class is the Federal High Skilled category. Other groups are: Federal skilled worker, federal skilled trades, Canada experience class. The federal economic class is being operated with express entry system. This system requires you to submit a profile and the highest scoring profiles are issued an invitation to apply to one of the above immigration programs.  Applicants score comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points for core factors such as age, education, work experience and language level. Job offers also increase your points which can worth 200 or 50 points depending on the skill level. A provincial nomination is worth 600 points and usually guarantees an invitation to apply.

3. Canada’s Provincial Programs: Each of the provinces runs its own immigration programmes, aiming at the target demands of local labour markets. The provincial programs include: Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, British, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Novascotia, Saskatchewan, and Prince Edward Island Immigration.

4. Business Immigration Program: This program is aimed at attracting entrepreneurs, capitalist and business owners. Options include in this program are: Self Employed program, Start-up Visa Program and Immigrant Investor Venture Capital. The start-up visa program offers Canada permanent residence to qualified applicants. The applicants are eligible if they have the following:

  • Proficiency in English or French language.
  • Commitment certificate and Letter of support from expected personnel.
  • Personnel are private sector angel investor, venture capitalist or Business incubator
  • The angel investor group must have put at least $75,000 into the business.
  • The venture capital fund must be investing at least $200,000 into the business. You can also bring in two or more if they can equal $200,000.
  • A Business incubator must accept the applicant into the business incubator program.
  • A Great business ideas and Settlement Funds.

5. Quebec Immigrant Investor Program: It is one of the most popular business programs. It is a passive investment that leads to Canadian permanent residence. The requirements are personal net worth of $2 million which must be legal, a 2 years of business management within the five years preceding the application, a $1.2 million investment into a passive government for a duration of 5 years with no interest and lastly applicants must be willing to settle in the province of Quebec.

6. Transitioning from Temporary to Permanent Residence: Immigrants migrating to Canada as temporary residents are now transitioning to permanent to residents.   This is usually a popular route for applicants who are not qualified for permanent residence when applying from the UAE or other countries. Many applied for programmes like Temporary Foreign worker Programme, International Mobility programme, etc.

How to migrate to Canada from UAE?   

The journey to Canada is tedious but easy when you follow those who know the right path to a safe landing. It involves a lot of planning and careful justification of the choices and options available. Based on our field experience and research, there are seven steps involve in migrating from UAE to Canada which include:

STEP 1: Check your eligibility

It’s important to check your eligibility before considering a particular for immigration into Canada from UAE. Several options are available for UAE residents ranging from Federal economic class to Family sponsorship programme. A lot of these programmes are available but each of the programmes has its own eligibility requirements. You must check which of these are best for you to achieve your goals.

STEP 2: Get the rights documents

Once you have been able to decide which of the programmes you are eligible for. The next step is gathering the right documents. These include specific documents related to your identity e.g passport, education, experience, level of proficiency in either French or English, etc. It is paramount to have all these documents ready in the requested formats to avoid rejection or unnecessary delays.

STEP 3: Create an account at Express Entry

Creating an express entry account may not be applicable to you but if you are applying with express entry, you will have to create an account on IRCC website.  On creating the account, you will submit all your personal, work details and others. After a successful creation, your CRS score will be sent to you which will determine your rank in the express entry draw. The higher your score, the higher your chance of getting a permanent residency.

STEP 4: Submit your Application

After you have able to get your document, your CRS score is given, if lucky you may have received an ITA (Invitation to apply) through the express entry. Once all conditions are satisfied, then you can now proceed to submit your application. Make sure you have submitted a perfect and error-free application to avoid unnecessary delays or rejection.

STEP 5: Medical Check-up and Police Clearance

You may have to go for a medical exam when you application is being processed as it may be required during the process. And obtaining a police clearance i.e police clearance certificates to make sure you did not pose a threat on their security. Both are required steps to be followed by the immigration.

STEP 6: Receive COPR and Prepare for a safety Landing in Canada

The most important and crucial of the steps is getting your application approved and automatically you will receive a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) from the immigration office. The COPR received will clearly state the conditions and durations of your residency. Your visa will also be stamped after the payment of Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF). Few actions left are booking your tickets, arranging for settlement in Canada, packing your loads and proper information dissemination to all concerned authorities.

STEP 7: Arriving at Canada Airport and Settling down in Canada

At the airport, you will go through the normal process including showing them your passport, your stamped visa, your COPR and other documents to the immigration officer. After all necessary confirmation at the port, you are now a permanent resident of Canada. Settling down involves getting an accommodation, applying for health insurance, security number, opening a bank account. You can now start your job search or continue your studies.

The migration from UAE to Canada involves an error-free plans, right information, and careful deliberation on the choices available. It’s important to be well-versed about the programmes available for UAE residents to know the eligibility criterion and processes. The above steps are complete guides to have a successful immigration to Canada from UAE.