
Get Started With High Paying Jobs in Toronto, Canada

Have you moved to Canada? Or planning to move soon? Then this is for you, read to the end into-to. Canada is one of the most sought countries in the world for greener pasture especially from Africa. This was due to the rapid changes happening to the country’s economy. Canada has seen many changes recently ranging from the growth of Toronto region’s GDP seeing an average increase of 3.3% annually in 2017 compared to a rate of 1.8% since 2009.


Toronto is the center of Canada’s economy, the largest contributor to the growth of Canada. Key industries like finance, media and entertainment, technology, tourism, real estate & construction industries can be found Toronto which has made the city booming with high employment rate. The labour market of the city is always in request of workers who are construction managers, firefighters, truck drivers, web developer, Chef, Electrician, Realtor, Surveyor, etc. These are jobs that pay highest in Toronto in the range of $70,150 – $100,000 without a degree.

Now, what are the steps to get a High paying Job in Toronto?

1. Get a Work Permit and a Security Number: What’s crucial in all is to get a “work permit” and a “social security number”. In Toronto, Canada, you cannot get a Job without those two. If you are already in Toronto, you need to make some enquiries on how to proceed and if not, educate yourself before moving to Canada. Talk with your agency to get these things ready for you as soon as possible.

2. Make sure your CV is updated: An attractive Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume is the prior thing to get ready. You have to construct your CV to Canada standard, check online for different sample of Canadian CV. They are always different from others ranging from the structure, the details needed and other specific information.  Apart from all of that, your CV must be up to date. Any skills you have just learned or a project you have just completed should all be added to it. This will make your CV compelling and attracting attention from your employees. Job experience too is a key to getting the Job done. Jobs that begin with an entry level like a receptionist does not require much of an experience but only Jobs higher above entry level require experience to do well in that role. Nevertheless, keep it simple and brief in that section.


3. Job Specification: All that being said, what types of Jobs are you looking forward to? There are plenty of jobs available and going for that one you preferred is the goal. Each sector in the economy of the city are always in need of manpower but the challenge is for you to decide which one is the largest and has the specific roles or jobs you are seeking for. You may want to look online for more.

The search engine usually list out a whole lot of websites but the most popular are:

  • Workopolis: they offer a larger range of employment opportunities across the country not just Toronto.
  • Career Builder and other sites for employment include: LinkedIn, Indeed, Simply Hired, Monster etc. High paying Jobs in Canada offers you a whole lot of chances.

4. Speak with a Recruiter: A recruiter or job agency will also be a great asset to you. Because searching online may give you the list but not the content of the Job. But a recruiter will state to you all the necessary information about the job that is more of concern to you. They will narrow down your roles, salaries; requirement and how to even meet up with the needs of the company. They will assist in writing a standard cover letter and resume for you even interview guides and the background information about the company.

The following recruiters are well known for a good job done:-
  • The Select Group offers versatile and different jobs or roles in several fields.
  • Aquent Places provides the best services too; narrowing down specific jobs suite for you
  • Apex Life Sciences; offers only Science Jobs, Engineering roles and research works.
  • Work vantage: is also a reputable employment agency in Canada. They offer employment in areas like hotel & restaurants, food processing, etc.

5. Apply for Canadian Work Visa: This is for you if you are yet to move to Canada. The Canadian Government has made the process simple and easy. If you are not sure of what to do, contact a trusted travel agency to do the whole visa work for you. A work Visa can be gotten online once you have your document ready, you can apply via the government website portal. And at the end or during the process, you are required to do a language exam (IELTS or CELPIP) even if you are native language speaker.

Where do I find Job Postings in Toronto?

This is an assignment that must be completed before applying for a work visa. The above steps will put you on the right path. Finding your ideal employer too is paramount to being successful in getting the right job. Networking also helps in landing a high paying job in Toronto. Once you arrive to the city, make some necessary connections with the people who have been in the city before. This will help you a lot in making the right choices and decisions.