
Reasons Why You Are Missing Out in Canada Visa Sponsorship Job Application

Canada’s visa application program is not a type of advanced visa program like every other advanced country has. It is simple, easy and straightforward for every applicant to understand and choose the best visa application for themselves or families. Nevertheless getting a visa sponsorship job is also related because a successful job application means a successful visa application.


It’s not a myth that so many still can not land Canada job sponsorship because of lack of knowledge  and inability to understand the procedures and process involved in the application.  In this article, we will break the jinx for you; the reasons why it’s been difficult for you to land a job with visa sponsorship and their solutions, and frequently asked questions with tips on visa sponsorship.

10 Reasons why you are not offered a Canada Visa sponsorship job

1. Limiting Job Search

All job applicants are guilty of this act which is why there is an increase in failed job sponsorship applications especially in Canada. The only way to understand the system is understanding how the system works and using the system to your advantage. When you are searching for a job in Canada, do not restrict yourself to either the Canadian Government official website for job search (Job bank) or other canada based job portals, rather use all the job portals. All job portals have all the vacant jobs in Canada either public or private, limiting your job search will only decrease your chances of success.


2. No follow-up after application submission

Most applicants find it very difficult to check on their job application updates. Some claim to be very anxious when checking the response to their application. But lack of follow-up on job applications will only increase your chances of failure. It’s highly recommended to check your email for updates and continue to show interest in working with the organisation by subscribing to their newsletter, following their profiles on social media, etc. Canada employers like it when you show professionalism in your application, and develop interest in their organisation.

3. Total Reliant on Cover letter and CV

It’s only hazardous and not beneficial to job seekers when you only have your CV and cover letter to land a job with visa sponsorship in Canada. Nowadays the use of technology has made the job securing process more competitive and easy because some skilled workers have been able to update themselves and during the application and interview process, they present their different professional portfolios where their previous past works and histories are available. They also include other relevant documents like IELTs, both academic and non-academic certificates, etc.

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4. Decrease in LMIA approvals by Canada Government

LMIA means Labour Market Impact Assessment which is carried out by the Canada government to consider job vacancies to the citizens before the non-citizens and also to control the influx of foreign workers into the country. It’s better to apply to countries that are best in getting LMIA approvals to increase your chance of success in job hunting. These companies always have a high number of vacancies and they are popular in the labour market.

5. Risks Involved with job visa sponsorship

Canada employers are usually scared of the financial risks and uncertain factors regarding visa sponsorship for their employees. International applicants may have to face several administrative work and screening process to ascertain many factors.. To overcome this hurdle, you need to act fast and smart in your job application. And you must communicate your interests and willingness to work with the employers as soon possible. You might also have to seek professional advice and guidance.

6. Little Job opportunities with visa sponsorship

Everyone has a fair opportunity of winning the job visa sponsorship jackpot when they apply for jobs online on different job portals. Some job fields do not have the visa sponsorship job opportunity. While fields like research and occupations give such benefits to applicants. Networking among professional colleagues you have met could also help you in providing more depth and insights regarding visa sponsorship jobs.

7. Preference for Canada Citizen as workers

Canada employers seek more of Canada citizens who are natural citizens or permanent residents. Their reasons for these choices are no cost on visa sponsorship, trust, understanding local culture, language, etc. You will also need to design your resume and cover letter to best suit the field requirements and the job standard.

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8. Bad Language Proficiency Test result

Canada has two main official languages; English and french. Any immigrants into the country must have a high proficiency language test result, or rather they are native language speakers of both languages. This is mainly because of smooth communication with the employers, and other citizens in the country. You must also highlight in your CV or resume if you have any language certifications to increase your chance of success.

9. Unsimilar CV for job opportunities

Most applicants use the same CV for every job they apply for. This action limits their chance of success. Because there is a different job description for every job and every job has their own specific requirement which may be different from others. A professional worker will not make such a mistake of submitting the same CV for every job and you too must not as well.

10. Seeking for highly paid Jobs

It’s not odd when you seek only highly paid jobs and nothing else. Highly paid jobs are better but it is a different thing to not have all the requirements for highly paid jobs. But it is very much unlikely you may not get a highly paid job when your skills only match the entry level. It is highly recommended that you check for the level of the job you are applying for, the payment structure and match it with your requirement to determine whether the job is good or you are not being underpaid for your level of entry.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the three tips to attract high paid jobs?

These tips will increase your chances of getting a highly paid jobs:

  1. Good resume or CV
  2. High grade certificates
  3. Recommendations from professional and networking connections.
Why is my job application being declined?

Your job application keeps getting declined because you consider only high paid jobs, low quality cv or resume, low grade certificates, etc.

How should I increase my chances of getting a job in Canada?

To increase your chances of success in Canada job hunting, you need to do extra work that others are not doing like using professional portfolios, important documents, and following-up on job applications.